Do you have cardboard holding your A700/A700x Talkmans in their chargers? We have a better fix.
We’ve heard from several of our voice customers about a product feature that is impacting your voice picking operations - A700/A700x Talkman units not fitting properly in their charger bays and therefore not staying charged during a full shift.
We’re excited to introduce you to our newest offering - the Charger Grip. We built the Charger Grip to fix the loose charger issue for good - just insert our clips directly into your A700/A700x battery chargers to keep the Talkman units snug and in place, ensuring you get a full charge every time, for the full shift.
Watch the following video for installation instructions:
As a convenience to our customers, Mountain Leverage is offering the Charger Grips at no cost to you. All you need to do is fill out this form and promise to provide us with feedback on the Charger Grips after you receive them.
Just a small fix that makes a big impact!
The enclosed charger grips (“Grips”) are provided by Mountain Leverage, LLC ("ML") as an optional aid to improve the stability of Honeywell's Talkman A700/A700x devices in their chargers. While ML has received positive feedback from other users of the Grips, please note that results may vary and use of the Grips is not guaranteed to solve all stability issues.
ML provides and you accept the Grips “as-is,” with all faults, with no express or implied guarantees or warranties of any kind, including without limitation, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. ML expressly disclaims any and all warranties, representations, and guarantees, even if implied by law or otherwise.
Accordingly, ML shall not be liable for any damage to your device, charger, or other property resulting from the use of the Grips. By using the Grips, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless ML, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and affiliates, from and against any claims, losses, or damages arising from use of the Grips.